Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Tweet Tweet

Of course I'd heard about Twitter in the news, usually with celebrities telling people what they had for breakfast, and I always thought "what a load of cr*p, and why would anyone care?" So now I have my own Twitter account @lisajs68 and so far I am unconvinced. I'm trying to find some interesting people to follow, so I  can get the feeling of why Twitter could be a good thing. So far I'm seeing alot of links to follow, some are interesting, some not so much. More to follow......

I've had a bit of a conversation on there, and retweeted something, and I think maybe I'm starting to see how it works. The information seems to move very quickly, so it seems best suited for people who will be connected all the time. That's not really me at the moment, but I can see how some people would love it. As a tool for work, Cockburn Library are on twitter and show how it can be used to send out quick messages about upcoming events, new resources, current affairs etc. Certainly it could be of use to a portion of the clientele, as another means of keeping people informed.


  1. I am also skeptical, but I do love the tweets that appear across the bottom of the tv screen on shows like Q&A

  2. I do find it hard to find things to talk about on twitter but I do like following people.

  3. It is not only celebrities telling people what they had for breakfast, you can twitter baout the same thing. Or do what I do and just twitter about just finishing something or why people/bussiness do strange things.

  4. I just love the brevity of Twitter. And it's so easy to skip the tweets you're not interested in and pick up the ones you like. So easy to pass on bits of info or thoughts or have a quick rant if you need one!
